Gold Loan

Property Loan

Recurring Deposit

Fixed Deposit

Cumulative Deposit

Saving Deposit
Jayapriya Grama Valarchi Nidhi Limited
We abide by all necessary operating standards, including those relating to capital adequacy, the statutory liquidity ratio, asset classification, and income recognition etc. We provide comparatively high rates of interest to our members on their savings deposits, fixed deposits, cumulative deposits, recurring deposits, and so on. We can lend only against the security of gold, against our fixed deposits, LIC policies, government securities/bonds, and property mortgage loans.

There is no elevator to success, you have to take the stairs.
Lion C. Rajagopalan
Founder and Chairman
Jayapriya Group of Companies

Great Minds Discuss Ideas, Average Minds Discuss Events, Small Minds Discuss People.
Mr.C R Jayasankar MBA
Managing Director
Jayapriya Group of Companies